
of Bantam Size.

When you look at yourself in a mirrior, what do you see?
Your shell.
Your outer being.
Most will continue nonstop about how to pamper your inside rather than your outside.
I see this as a crime.
Yes, your spiritual health is the most important thing about you, but your shell is still of some slight importance.

Many a time, the things on paper (not refering to what He says) only tell of the baby steps to fueling your spiritual life.
Rarely is outside change ever mentioned or the hard, raw in depth instances of being a Truth Follower.
Change shold be applied to every aspect of our lives to become what we ought to be.
Change on the the inside and the outside.

For if we do not change our outer selves, how will we reflect the change that has happened on the inside?
Opposing forces cannot live side by side.
Either side must change to the other.

For He tells us that our actions will reflect our soul.
When applied to this situation, this may not be instant.
To be a Truth Follower we must mold ourseleves and be also molded by Him (which is the same when in correct context).
We must be constantly working at ourselves.
So that we may not shape back to the lifetyle of before.

N.P. Reed

The Marks of Differentiation

Many see us Truth Followers as ones who are quiet the opposite of what they ought to be.
They see us as an army of drones and look-a-likes.
I laugh at the irony of this.
For the ones who mock us as drones and clones are ones who they themselves are of the same liking!
For they are of the World (we know this from what He has told us).

In exchange for following the teachings of the World, they carry with them a stench.
This oder I speak of in the spiritual may radiate out of many vents in the human soul out into the world.
However, they are not apparent to their own foul smell that surrounds them.
It does me well for me to know that I need not worry of my own 'fragerance.'
For God posses a quality that can actually draw Unbelivers to Him!
For when a World Follower sees a kind or passionate deed done by a Truth Follower, they become attracted and curious to the fragerance of our soul.
For God gives us many gifts.
One of which all Truth Followers posses is the smell of one who truely cares for the rotten filfth of the world, this smell I speak of.
Even though the World may have this foul stench, we will still approach with the utmost love and kindness we once had brought before us.

This is why we spiritually check ourselves.
Do we radiate of the World or of the Truth?
I pray it be the senior choice of the two.

For your sake.

N.P. Reed

Adult as of the Child.

I have been loved but have been hurt.
Even though this life is filled with troubles, we must still keep the thoughts and feelings of a child.
For a child is, as the World portrays, the most naive group in the human race.
This is not true, though.
For we always view adulthood as the mature ages where we cannot be easily misleaded.
This is not true, either.
Is a child still not as vulnerable as an adult?
With this we also contemplate and challenge ourselves with the idea that an adult may fall into sin as easily as a child may fall into danger.
Which is virtually the same concept.
But as a child looks up to an adult for comfort, attention and saftey so an adult should look up to heaven for the same.
For being senior in age does not mean we are invincible.

To back away from the LORD's love and advice is to act as foolish as a disobedient child.
Just as a parent sets commands for protection of child so God for man.

Does not He tell us to come to Him as a little child?
Then why do you resist?

Just come and you will see.

N.P. Reed