
The Marks of Differentiation

Many see us Truth Followers as ones who are quiet the opposite of what they ought to be.
They see us as an army of drones and look-a-likes.
I laugh at the irony of this.
For the ones who mock us as drones and clones are ones who they themselves are of the same liking!
For they are of the World (we know this from what He has told us).

In exchange for following the teachings of the World, they carry with them a stench.
This oder I speak of in the spiritual may radiate out of many vents in the human soul out into the world.
However, they are not apparent to their own foul smell that surrounds them.
It does me well for me to know that I need not worry of my own 'fragerance.'
For God posses a quality that can actually draw Unbelivers to Him!
For when a World Follower sees a kind or passionate deed done by a Truth Follower, they become attracted and curious to the fragerance of our soul.
For God gives us many gifts.
One of which all Truth Followers posses is the smell of one who truely cares for the rotten filfth of the world, this smell I speak of.
Even though the World may have this foul stench, we will still approach with the utmost love and kindness we once had brought before us.

This is why we spiritually check ourselves.
Do we radiate of the World or of the Truth?
I pray it be the senior choice of the two.

For your sake.

N.P. Reed

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