
Love in Truth.

I ask you this: how is your response to those who oppose the Truth?
Do you become angry towards them?
Thrust hatred?
Do you curse them under your breath because of their blindness?
Or do you posses the tameness we ought to have when socializing with such people?
For Christ taught us to love them, not hate.
For if Christ did not teach teach such thing, what would have beeen the point of his earthly coming?
For if Christ hated the sinner, you to would only find grief.

But what we must realize is that this love we then posses should not be seen by others and especially ourselves as a propaganda tool.
If this be true, then the Truth would be based upon the wealth and support of its believers, not the faith it shall hold.

But the Truth is based upon faith.
Therefore our love towards the World should be based on compassion, not greed.

Though love is more effective than force and might be seen by others as an effective recruting strategy, He still uses it because that is what He is.
Not because of the need and want of power.
For He is already powerful!
So then why would He have a wanting for more?

N.P. Reed

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