

Not physically. Just my blog.

I realize this is pretty insignificant to the very few who actually view this blog but thats alright. That's not the reason I might be moving.

Reason- I thought it would be interesting to explore the web in search in a better, maybe more advanced blog machine than Google's Blogger. Not that I don't like it. Maybe there is a better blog-type for me.

Of course there is the possibility that I won't change my blog. That is always a possibility if my search doesn't turn any cranks for me.

Indeed, if I do find a a new blog site I will make it a point not to leave all 'yins in the dark. All you two people.

Chow seniors and senoritas.

N.P. Reed


Last Game of the Season, Lakeview vs. Salem

Going down in a blaze of glory! Yeah...62-12. We lost. But on the brighter side we have already won next week's game since East Liverpool's coach is possibly being fired which will force them to forfiet the game. So we won!

Our season- 1-9. Terrible huh? Actually the pain is not so bad once you and the rest of the community become dumb and deaf to the pain of defeat.

Ach...Lakeview's band was awesome. I should say extremely awesome. Usually a large band will lack in sound and individual posture. But these guys defied that law! I was very impressed.

Looking forward towards this Tuesday's band show.

Wow, I'm such a nerd.

N.P. Reed


Anthem Essay Contest

This morning during the announcements at school they were listing off names of different scholarships avaliable for application in the school guidence office. The only one avaliable for my age bracket was an essay contest of the book Anthem by Ayn Rand, a female writer of the 30's and 40's. The book, Anthem, is mainly a collection of poems. Ruth Alexander, a Libertarian lecturer said Anthem is "Tender and terrific- the greatest novel I have ever read, and I have covered the literary water front in seven languages. You will think- you will weep- you will be inspired to new determination not to let the creeping evil of collectivism happen here."


The grand prize of first is %2000, five second prizes worth $500, ten third prizes $200, forty-five finalists $50, and lastly $30 for semifinalists. Even though I am competing for who knows how many high school freshman and sophmores the odds of gaining at least a little cash is inevtiable.

However, though this is all tempting and personally exciting for myself I will keep my heart open to any misconcpetions that may be found in Anthem. I will keep a constant lookout for anything that may be the opposite of God and His Word.

Though I am hopefull for this essay.

N.P. Reed


Beaver Local vs. Salem

Gah, yet again another defeat looms over our football team and school. I had high hopes for this game because, from what I was told, Beaver Local is not the best team ever (no offense for my friends in Beaver Local of course) and I was suspecting this would be a good match-up.

Apparently not.

Any way, it was our last away game of the season. I am particularly happy, in some ways, because I favor home games more. At home games, we, the band, are able to do all this extra stuff as a band that we would not be able to do at an away game. Such as marching down to the field, pre-game, etc. Plus, you are familiar with your surroundings which in turn makes me more comfortable.

N.P. Reed


Struthers vs.Salem

Yippie! We almost won last night! As asinine as the latter may sound it was atcually a pretty good game. A few times during the night there were exciting high moments when we were winning or about to tie. Alas, though, we lost by a touchdown and a field goal. But it must have been one of the most enjoyable games this season considering we're 0-7. Sigh.

Being the major band geek that I am, I suppose last night was one of our best preformances alongside the football team's. I feel that I myself did a great job, in contrast to the previous games and shows, but overall the whole band sounded and looked fantastic from what others were saying.

I am very excited about our new director, Mr. Mike Carden. Though more that nintey-five percent of the band cannot agree. People just do not give him their respect and consideration. It makes me rather upset that after going through a year of "hell", in certain terms, that I must listen to these childish and imature complaints. Most of them are from the upper-classman who are supposedly more "mature" than I or other lower-classmen. In fact, if I seen a bit rash about this it is because I have very strong feelings not only for band but music itself.

In high school, every kid has their "thing." Well band is mine, so naturally I applaud any positive change the director wants to make. Which would be trying to make us actually good. The previous guy never bothered with that, for goodness sakes!


N.P. Reed